Industrial designer from Sweden / Recognized by Green Concept Award / Participant at Southern Sweden Design Days / Mentored by Tatic Designstudio


Hi! I’m Erik Schliemann, an industrial designer from Sweden with a passion for creating thoughtful and sustainable design solutions. My work is all about blending creativity with practicality, whether I’m designing wildlife-friendly lighting, crisis equipment, or projects that boost urban biodiversity, like my Wild Growth Thesis on urban biodiversity.

I hold a BFA in Industrial Design from Lund School of Industrial Design and a BA in Digital Design and Media from Umeå University, giving me a solid mix of hands-on design skills and digital storytelling. Along the way, I’ve earned recognition from the Green Concept Award, participated in Southern Sweden Design Days, and received invaluable mentorship from Tatic Design Studio.

I’m always open to connecting, collaborating, or chatting about design. Don’t hesitate to reach out!